Currently in America 1 in 36 children have autism. However, in 1970 the rate was 3 in 10,000. So what has happened since then? My latest video project cites scientific studies which suggest the reason for this disturbing trend has been known for years.
During my free time I decided to explore the bounds of energy extraction by exploiting gravity and buoyancy. I initially started with a vertical underwater conveyor system that was fueled by hydrogen via electrolysis. But after months of simplifying the idea into its most basic form it naturally evolved into a wheel. It's pretty shocking how a product can morph when refining its elements for the sake of efficiency. The end result was definitely not a planned one.
I created this video to show Amazon how productivity was being lost in their fulfillment centers. This documentation proved to be essential because it showed programmers what they weren't able to see from within their cubicles. After this video's submission, two of the problems outlined were corrected and implemented into the code of their next generation of scanners.
The Caribbean Arbitrage App allows cruise ships to buy and sell products at steep
profit margins by taking advantage of supply and demand through geographical arbitrage. The app allows the purser to check inventory and do onboard business transactions before reaching the physical point of sale. In the same way, purchasing ship supplies can be done to take care of the needs of the passengers. Sales tax and currency conversions are automatically calculated between a range of 6 carribbean currencies. This is a fullstack app built on Java, Spring Boot, React and MySQL.
This JavaFX/SQLite app matches transplant candidates with potential organ donors by parsing through an organ HLA epitope registry using 4 filters. Each database to be searched belongs to one of the 5 organ groups of pancreas, kidney, heart, liver and lung. Successful matches may be printed via PDF format and saved for further review.
The Otolaryngology Patient Scheduler gives hospital administrators and physicians the ability to track patient appointments. Patient information can be searched and edited on the fly. Appointment data are presented with a calendar GUI as well as listview and tableview formats. Special attention was given to proper coding architecture that is unique to JavaFX programming.