Hello there… I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to find out more about my background. I understand that recruiting the right person for the job can be challenging as you sort through a lot of keyword laden resumes. So I decided to give my profile a more tactile online representation through this website.
After perusing through the videos and product designs maybe you have caught on that expression through clarity and detail is a high priority of mine. You may also see that I’m not afraid to immerse myself in new technologies. No doubt you have come across others who list this as a positive trait as well. But in my experience there is a large pool of professionals who learn in order to satisfy a career checklist. My approach is different in that I regard each new technology as a stepping stone to achieve an end which results in deeper and more meaningful understanding. For example, my cybersecurity skills have skyrocketed because I take part in ongoing security programs initiated by the US Department of Defense.
Apart from being a techie, I do have a very personal side and that manifests itself in kind of a paradox. One day I may be found in an upscale cafe but other times I’ll be enjoying the setting at McDonald’s where no one has anything to prove. What I’m trying to say is that the kind of people I like to associate with are from both worlds. Where and with whom I socialize depends on the day or the season I’m in. I believe this shows an important side of who I am because my thinking isn’t restricted to Java, Agile development or the best Linux distro. I’m able to broadband into the commonplace issues of life and just be real with anyone.
Like most people, where I’ll be 20 years from now is hard to determine but I suspect my sense of social responsibility will be a part of it. A while ago I scored a musical for young people which should give them essential keys for their own lives. By listening to some of the clips below maybe one can draw more conclusions about my personality and the way I can construct complex ideas into a meaningful product.